Thought Leadership Articles

    Change Management: Creating Certainty within Uncertainty

    Feb 5, 2019 | Posted by Michael Campbell

     Change is an inevitable and constant force that impacts organisations in many ways. It is common for change to provoke a strong response in employees, particularly when it may seem unexpected. Some change may spark concern among your employees by increasing doubts and fears that they may have about their future.

    CMC Prosci Enterprise Change Management Bootcamp can help your organisation begin the process of designing a structured and intentional plan for growing its ability to manage change more effectively throughout your entire organisation. 

    A study found that companies using effective change management strategies are three times more likely to outperform peers in similar industries, those who do not, have a greater failure rate. 

    However, is it possible for employees to become familiar and comfortable enough with the future and potential state of the organisation - before the changes are made present? And how can an organisation utilise change management strategies to familiarise and educate employees prior to implementing them?

    One way to do so, could be through the use of team building change management exercises to decrease employee resistance and create a sense of certainty in an uneasy state of change for a lot of employees. This is a great way to manage change and effectively prepare employees by showing them how to correctly adjust their behaviours and provide opportunities for them to learn. To help your organisation explore the factors that are involved with change we have provided a list of potential activities to use when implementing change.

    Key exercises that can aid the impact of experiential learning and training:

    • Focus groups - Bringing groups of employees together to discuss ideas and approaches to change.
    • Assessments and surveys- Assessment tools can provide insight into the mindsets of employees.
    • Interactive discussions- Gathering larger groups of employees for discussions and interactions can also facilitate idea sharing about the upcoming changes.

     Meeting activities that support effective change management include:

    • Regular updates - this helps keep employees informed about the status of change.
    • Discussion of initiatives on the horizon - Telling employees about upcoming initiatives gives them time to ask questions and give feedback.
    • Recognition of milestones and accomplishments - recognizing employee accomplishments in a meeting can help drive employee engagement and commitment to the change. Our ECM Bootcamp will present  new way of thinking about, viewing and talking about organisational change management capabilities and competencies in a project framework essential to successfully introduce change to your organisation. 

    Our ECM Bootcamp will present new way of thinking about, viewing and talking about organisational change management capabilities and competencies in a project framework essential to successfully introduce change to your organisation. 

    Employees also tend to respond to a variety of communication activities that relate to important change initiatives.

    Some examples include:

    • Presentations from company leadership
    • Email updates
    • Intranet storytelling
    • Virtual meetings that involve employees who work remotely

    Once completing our one day ECM Bootcamp you will leave with numerous tools that will enable you to transition learning into action in your organisation. These tools include Change Management Maturity Model Audit, ECM Roadmap, ECM Strategy Map and best practice excerpts on change management deployment efforts. 

    Ensure Change Management Success

    When an organisation is entering a period of change it is important to understand that behaviour change of employees does not happen overnight. Providing your employees with regular and efficient support through the process, as well as, the correct training will help the entire process. By implementing the activities and model your organisation will benefit greatly from behaviour change at all levels.

    If you're looking to begin increasing change management capabilities with your organisation, take a look at what our Enterprise Change Management Bootcamp can offer. Download the course brochure here, or view our upcoming courses to register your interest.