Helping a Global Manufacturer of Consumer Goods Implement Enterprise Change Management






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With global aspirations of deploying enterprise change management to over 100,000 employees, a manufacturer of consumer goods began by building a common language of change.

Step 1: Discussing and Establishing the Objectives

The client strongly believed that the ability for their business to organise, design and implement change should become a central and particular strength of their global business culture. 

They wanted to ‘hit the ground running’ globally, with a wide-scale programme of activities. It was clear that it was less about having a certification, and more about having a common language across their company.

The client owned a Prosci® Enterprise Change Management site licence, which meant they had unlimited access to Prosci’s Change Management tools and methodologies. Prosci is a scientifically proven change management strategy (the most successful worldwide) and the methodology we at Prosci Europe use to help our clients manage change. When a client is able to access this Prosci enterprise licence, Prosci Europe is able to really focus on what is important to their needs and customise the training content and experience to match them. We were very much able to adapt the Prosci material using our expertise and knowledge to deliver the client’s brief and ensure maximum results. 

It was clear that it was less about certification, and more about having a common language across their company. 

Step 2: Tailor-made, Virtual Training

Our standard approach in helping businesses improve the success they can derive from change initiatives usually begins with key staff participation in the 3-day Prosci Change Management Practitioner Certification Programme: a singular, in-classroom experience that provides participants with a methodology, toolkit and certification for managing change in their organisation.

However, the scale and global nature of the client, their specific requirements and the pandemic taking place at the time led us to develop a tailor-made training approach to meet the manufacturer’s goal. We took a shorter, sharper more modular approach, offering the client four live modules of four hours over the course of several weeks. This meant that we were able to deliver an efficient training programme in Change Management that was less demanding and time consuming for the client, while still maintaining the momentum, especially as we set practical ‘homework’ in between each module.

Our training programme was delivered entirely virtually. We ran the course with two cohorts of 13 business partners and associate relations managers across the business, often with a thirteen-hour time difference. Nonetheless, every session was delivered live with an interactive resource base in Microsoft Teams so that training recipients could access
materials and communicate with one another 24/7.

White lightbulb icon  The Results

The virtual delivery of our client’s brief resulted in partners from Beijing to Chicago learning collaboratively in one online space. We were able to ensure these recipients could hit the ground running in understanding how change (both as a result of COVID-19 and beyond) is manifesting in their working environments and how they could ensure their staff were better prepared for the significant impact to changes in ways of working.

Many businesses have realised the benefits of online learning, and Prosci Europe is no different. The positive feedback we received from our client demonstrates that our services are as effective as ever, while also more time and cost efficient for all parties.

In a recent session with a new cohort of HR leaders within the client’s organisation, we asked whether they were familiar with the Prosci ADKAR model, a central Change Management tool within Prosci’s structured organisational change methodology. While sometimes this question is met with stony silence, more than half of the HR leaders understood the term and its practical application within the working environment.

It is therefore clear to us that our initial, tailormade programme for the client is already proving effective. Our change management expertise is enabling a global business to understand its environment and adapt accordingly.

Even in a pandemic.